If an item is temporarily out of stock you will not be able to add this product to your shopping cart. Please check back occasionally, as you will be able to purchase this item once more inventory arrives. You can also “bookmark” this item by adding it to a Wishlist for future purchase.

Yes we offer gift-wrapping at no additional cost. Just make sure to check the ‘Gift Wrapping’ option at checkout after adding all necessary details for the order.

Depending on the quantity you have purchased—products not sold as a set are either shipped in case packs of 4, 6, or 8 pieces in a single box, or they are individually wrapped to ensure safe shipment. Unless specified in a product’s details that the item is boxed, we unfortunately do not offer individual boxes.

Once you have reached the checkout, you will see an area at the top ‘Coupon code’, enter your voucher code and click ‘apply coupon’. The promotion will then be applied for your next purchase.

To request a refund simply contact customer service at [phone number] or send us an email at [email]. A company representative will guide you through the process.